the one sinless and perfect man but also the Word of God, therefore those who believe in Christ
realize in some measure how heinous sin is in God's sight, and how contrary it is and ever must be
to His all-holy nature. Therefore they hate sin and renounce it, and strive with all their might not
to commit it. And, since believers know that God, of His infinite love, l has not grudged
2 His only Son, but has freely given Him to suffer death for their salvation, therefore
it is evident to them that God truly loves them, desires their true happiness, and is willing and
able to support them, amid suffering and sorrow, trials and temptations, and to give them even here
on earth true peace and consolation. Accordingly their trust and all their hope is firmly fixed upon
God, and they obey Him with all their heart.
In short, even though man cannot fully enter into any of God's plans, and cannot, therefore,
claim to understand the whole method of Christ's atonement, yet reflection makes at least this much
clear, that this way of salvation is in every respect completely worthy of God, who is just, holy,
merciful and loving, is entirely efficacious in saving from sin those who truly believe in Christ,
and is successful in purifying their hearts and in enabling them to walk honestly 3 and
uprightly in newness of life, 4 as children of light.5