'Pray 1 without ceasing; in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you-ward.' That is to say, a true Christian's heart should, at all times and in every matter and in whatever business he may be engaged, seek communion with God. He should recognize God's will alone as the aim and object of his thoughts and desires, and should therefore continue to adore God inwardly, making God and God alone the Qibla of his heart. Just as the compass-needle, when for a moment deflected from pointing to the pole, very soon recovers from the disturbance and once more returns to its proper direction, even so must the true Christian's thoughts soon free themselves from the temporary distractions of worldly business and turn back again to the true and heavenly pole. Nay more, since this inclination is inward and spiritual, it may be preserved always and everywhere, even when the man is engaged in worldly employment, so that he may consecrate his earthly occupation unto God, and do it well and worthily for His sake. Though this inward remembrance of God is unknown to other men, yet it is well known to God who knoweth men's hearts.

Accordingly, since a true Christian always endeavours to remember that he is in God's presence and to remain in communion with Him, therefore all that he does unto God, according as it is written: 'Whatever 2 ye do, in word or in deed, do all in the

1 Thess. v. 17-18. 2 Col. iii. 17, 23-4.



name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him . . . . Whatsoever ye do, work heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that from the Lord ye shall receive the recompense of the inheritance: ye serve the Lord Christ.' If a Christian, therefore, prays and works in this manner and with this purpose of heart, then everything he does is the true service and the worship of God. Even when engaged in worldly business, he is serving the Lord Most High.

A Christian's prayers must be offered in faith, otherwise they are worthless. They must be offered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This does not mean merely that the name of Christ must be used in a petition, but that, unless a man is rooted by faith in Christ as a branch 1 is united to the vine, be will not know what to ask, and will not ask God what is in accordance with the divine will. The Lord Jesus Christ has said : 'No 2 one cometh unto the Father, but, by me.' Whosoever would offer a prayer acceptable in the sight of God must therefore understand and believe that he himself is a sinner, and that he has no merit or worthiness in himself to fit him to draw nigh unto the Most Holy One in order to lay his needs and his troubles before Him. Only through Christ can such worthiness be conferred upon any man, even upon Apostles and Prophets; for the Lord Jesus Christ alone is the one Mediator and Intercessor for all men, and only

1 John xv. 1-7. 2 John xiv. 6.