"Liberation", a weekly magazine published by the Muslim Youth in New York.
"The apostate is not only the person who relinquishes Islam and embraces another religion, but the symptoms of apostasy are many, and those who practice them are regarded as infidels and apostate and deserve to be killed. The symptoms of apostasy are: when the ruler does not govern by God’s law (most of the Muslim rulers do that), or when the ruler derides some aspect of the religion or one of the Islamic laws as the ex-president of Egypt, al-Sadat, did when he said that the dress of the Muslim women is like a tent."Another symptom of apostasy is that a Muslim believes in the Qur’an only and rejects tradition; namely, the sayings and deeds of Muhammad (the Sunnah) and attacks the apostle Muhammad by any insult or criticism of the Qur’an. Also among the symptoms of apostasy is the promotion of mottoes which may contradict the Qur’an, such as the mottoes of nationalism, patriotism, and humanism! Anyone who calls for these mottoes is regarded as an infidel and an apostate and deserves to be killed if he does not repent. Also, anyone who believes in Masonianism." ("The Symptoms of Apostasy in the Islamic Society" in "AL-TAHRIR", Feb 5 1983, p. 15, quoted by Behind The Veil Chapter 1)