the Old, and is preserved in the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg.
(2) The Alexandrian (Codex Alexandrinus), written early 1 in the
fifth century, more than 200 years before the Hijrah. It contains the whole Bible, except
a few pages that have been lost, and is in the British Museum, London.
(3) The Vatican (Codex Vaticanus), written early in the fourth century, nearly
300 years before the Hijrah. It contains the whole 2 Bible, though the latter
part of the New Testament (from Heb. ix. 14) is written in a later hand, and is in the
Vatican Library at Rome.
(4) Codex Ephraemi, written early in the fifth century, or about 200 years
before the Hijrah.
It 3 is fragmentary, and contains pages from each book of the New Testament
and fragments of the Old. It is kept in the National Library at Paris.